Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Holy Taco!

As a kid in San Pedro, we were lucky enough to have a ice cream lady and my favorite frozen treat was the Choco Taco. So about a month ago I found out that we sold them in the cafe part of the restaurant that I work at, and I had no choice but to indulge in the sweet chocolate treat I have yearned for since I was a young boy on the hot streets of sunny southern California. HAHAHAHAHAH, I thought that was hilarious.
So anyway back on with the story, One night i was watching the tv show "No Reservations," starring Anthony Bourdain and they were somewhere in Europe where they were deep frying random things that you would never think of.
I have heard of deep fried ice cream at some of the local Mexican restaurants and of the deep fried twinkies before. There was some waffle batter already made so I grabbed some and did the damn thing.
It came out amazing, we sprinkled some powder sugar on top and went to town on it. I knew it was to  much to eat the whole thing by myself, so I gave the other half to my friend. As soon as we cut into it chocolate and ice cream came spewing out, so we quickly gobbled it down. Our hands dripped with ice cream and chocolate. It was probably the best minute of my life eating probably the greatest dessert treat in the world, haha.

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